Sunday, March 30, 2008
Lord of Blades Reading Material
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Character Concepts
From Jay, he's going to be melee but is otherwise being pretty mum about it.
From Neil, he's going to be playing an artificer. I think archerficer
or blasterficer if I remember correctly.
Derek asked if a cleric was limited to worshiping the lord of blades
or could they follow other deities. I'm going to say that yes they
would need to be worshipers of the Lord of Blades. I am open to
discuss this though.
The party will begin as followers of the lord of blades, in one of his
camps that move throughout the Mournlands. I suppose it could be
feasible for followers of other religions to follow the lord of
blades, I'm going to need to hear the rational for it. If it seems a
good roleplaying application that will fit, I might allow it. If it
is for munchkin or powergaming reasons, it won't be accepted.
Haven't heard from Dave, or Rob yet.
Hit Points and Constitution
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Miniatures Rules
Some rules I'd like to propose using include.
- Modified Initiative Order
- Combat Phases
- Morale Saves
- Command effects
1. Each round everyone rolls initiative, the player with the highest score determines who in the party acts first. Play then rotates clockwise until everyone has had their turn. If the DM roles a higher initiative check than the PC's, the NPC's act first.
- Example: The order clockwise around the table is Neil - Derek - Jay - Rob - Cary. Rob wins initiative. Rob can decide that it is in his best interest if Derek's character acts before his so Rob tells Derek to act first. The order of play for that round therefore is Derek - Jay - Rob - Cary - Neil.
2. In each combat phase, two units are activated and get to take their turn. Then the opposing side activates two units and gets to take their turn. Then play returns to the original side. Who goes first is determined by the initiative roll.
- Example: Assuming the initiative is won by the PC's as per the example above, Derek and Jay both get their turn. Then it is the DM's turn, and the DM can activate any two NPC's. Then play returns to Rob and Cary. Then the DM activates two more NPC's. Then it is Neil's turn, followed by any additional NPC's. Once the round is over a new initiative roll is made.
3. NPC's will be subject to Morale saves. Both DM controlled NPC's and if it comes up PC controlled NPC's. The DC for morale saves is always 20 and it can be modified by a variety of factors. A check is made by rolling a d20 and adding the creatures level. In skirmishes morale checks will be required when an NPC is reduced to half it's normal hit points.
- PC's will not be subject to morale saves. If you are reduced to less than half your hit points and want to keep fighting, go right ahead ;)
4. NPC's will be subject to and receive bonuses from being under command. The PC's will not need to worry about this unless they employ NPC's. Command effects things like morale and the effectiveness of a NPC's combat (NPC's not under command can either move 2 squares, or rush it's closest enemy).
To determine your characters command rating start with 1 and add 1 for each of the following:
- Lawful alignment
- INT 13 or higher
- WIS 13 or higher
- CHA 13 or higher
- 5 ranks in Intimidate or Diplomacy
- Leadership feat
- Paladin or Fighter
- Character level 6th or higher
And subtract 1 for each of the following:
- Chaotic alignment
- INT 8 or less
- WIS 8 or less
- CHA 8 or less
- Rogue, Sorcerer, or Wizard
- Character level 1st or 2nd
The PC with the highest command rating will be the party's leader.
Let me know what you think. I believe if you have a Gmail account (I think everyone does) you can leave comments on the post and we can use that as a discussion board.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Character Creation
The premise of the game will be that you are working for the Lord of Blades in a variety of different roles as you progress in levels. I want you to think about everything you've ever read or heard about the Lord of Blades as propaganda generated by a variety of factions that exist in the world that are opposed to the advancement of Warforged culture.
Remember, in Eberron alignments are blurred. It's possible to meet an evil silver dragon, or a good vampire. The Lord of Blades is reported to be Lawful Evil in his stat block, but consider this as propaganda put forth from the Church of the Silver Flame, or from the Karnnathi government. You can create Lawful Good Paladins and Clerics of the Blade.
I would like to explore, with the aid of the PC's, what this new found freedom means to the Warforged. I haven't decided what the PC's will do post 4th level so I will be mediating discussions on a variety of topics. What happens if the Lord of Blades declares the Mournland as a new nation? What is the appropriate response to the Church of the Silver Flames attacks on Followers of the Lord of Blades? Is the Lord of Blades divine? Experience will be given out based on participation in these philosophical discussions.
Based on this please create your characters using either:
The Elite Array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
Point Buy: 22 points
Q: Why so low? We usually use point buy 32?
A: Cause I don't want another overpowered munchkin game. I'm not going to make fights more difficult because I believe the characters are tougher. If the party is level 4, I'll make most encounters ECL 4.
Q: Any requirements/restrictions?
A: Common sense prevails. I think the party would benefit if at least one player is an artificer. (I think Neil is doing this). I would also like everyone to read chapter 1 of The Races of Eberron. Develop an opinion on the last war, and each character should have at least one craft skill with two ranks. The only exception would be is your characvter ends up with an Intellegence of 8, then you can have 1 rank in a craft skill as a minimum.
Q: What level are we starting at?
A: One. However I have enough planned to advance you to level two within the first night, so have a character sheet ready at level two.
Q: Any house rules for this campaign?
A: Clerics and Paladins of the Blade get access to repair spells as divine spells and do not get access to cure spells (wands of repair made by arcane casters are still considered arcane spells though).
Attacks of Opportunity will be per the players handbook.
I'd like to examine skirmish rules from the miniatures handbook to see if we can speed up combat.
Thats it for now.
A Blog!
So that we can keep up on important details, and I can learn how to blog.
So welcome and feel free to contribute.