Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Direction

Ok Choices.

I have a couple directions we can go for the next few weeks so I'd like to poll you guys to see what you would be interested in doing.

Option A

Dungeon Crawl.  You've only uncovered the tip of the ice berg as Whitehearth is concerned.  What is behind the Yellow and Purple Keycharmed doors?  Now that Whitehearth is in the hands of the Lord of Blades, the lower levels need to be explored.

Option B

Mission Impossible style raid on the Tronlanport Shipyards.  The Lord of Blades realizes that elemental bound vehicles are going to be key in any future engagements.  He wants to get his hands on some airships but the greedy gnomes won't sell him any.  He needs the secrets of elemental binding that the Zil guard religiously stolen so he can begin building his own.

Option C

There are still thousands of Warforged that are held in Thrane and Karnnath as indentured servants.  Participate in a raid on one of these work camps to free some of the warforged from slavery.

Option D (Might still be a little low level for this but if none of the other options work for you)

The lands of Xen'drik contain many secrets.  The warforged were designed and built from some of the secrets found there and more and more wonderous things relating to the warforged are being discovered there.  The Lord of Blades will send you to Xen'drik to try and discover what secrets can be found 


skallawag said...

I like Option C the most so far and if we progress enough then head to Option D.

Ameron said...

I'm not sure if my vote should carry the same weight since I'm only going to be available to play on-and-off, but I like the sound of going to Thrane or Karrnath and "rescuing" some of the metal brothers (Option C).
Personally I've had my fill of the dungeon crawl (option A) for now. and as exciting as getting an airship sounds (Option B), I think that will be more fun when we're a bit tougher. I'm not interested in going to Xen'drik (Option D).