Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Miniatures Rules

I mentioned that I want to try and incorporate some of the rules from the miniatures handbook to speed up combat. The reason is I think we spend way to long on simple combat scenarios. Fighting 4 monsters sometimes takes us 30 min or longer to get through. I feel that incorporating some of the miniature skirmish rules we might get through combat faster.

Some rules I'd like to propose using include.
  1. Modified Initiative Order
  2. Combat Phases
  3. Morale Saves
  4. Command effects

1. Each round everyone rolls initiative, the player with the highest score determines who in the party acts first. Play then rotates clockwise until everyone has had their turn. If the DM roles a higher initiative check than the PC's, the NPC's act first.

  • Example: The order clockwise around the table is Neil - Derek - Jay - Rob - Cary. Rob wins initiative. Rob can decide that it is in his best interest if Derek's character acts before his so Rob tells Derek to act first. The order of play for that round therefore is Derek - Jay - Rob - Cary - Neil.

2. In each combat phase, two units are activated and get to take their turn. Then the opposing side activates two units and gets to take their turn. Then play returns to the original side. Who goes first is determined by the initiative roll.

  • Example: Assuming the initiative is won by the PC's as per the example above, Derek and Jay both get their turn. Then it is the DM's turn, and the DM can activate any two NPC's. Then play returns to Rob and Cary. Then the DM activates two more NPC's. Then it is Neil's turn, followed by any additional NPC's. Once the round is over a new initiative roll is made.

3. NPC's will be subject to Morale saves. Both DM controlled NPC's and if it comes up PC controlled NPC's. The DC for morale saves is always 20 and it can be modified by a variety of factors. A check is made by rolling a d20 and adding the creatures level. In skirmishes morale checks will be required when an NPC is reduced to half it's normal hit points.

  • PC's will not be subject to morale saves. If you are reduced to less than half your hit points and want to keep fighting, go right ahead ;)

4. NPC's will be subject to and receive bonuses from being under command. The PC's will not need to worry about this unless they employ NPC's. Command effects things like morale and the effectiveness of a NPC's combat (NPC's not under command can either move 2 squares, or rush it's closest enemy).

To determine your characters command rating start with 1 and add 1 for each of the following:

  • Lawful alignment
  • INT 13 or higher
  • WIS 13 or higher
  • CHA 13 or higher
  • 5 ranks in Intimidate or Diplomacy
  • Leadership feat
  • Paladin or Fighter
  • Character level 6th or higher

And subtract 1 for each of the following:

  • Chaotic alignment
  • INT 8 or less
  • WIS 8 or less
  • CHA 8 or less
  • Rogue, Sorcerer, or Wizard
  • Character level 1st or 2nd

The PC with the highest command rating will be the party's leader.

Let me know what you think. I believe if you have a Gmail account (I think everyone does) you can leave comments on the post and we can use that as a discussion board.


skallawag said...

soooo many rule!

Suddry said...

Aye. I like the idea of some of these things but lets make sure it stays quick.

Wimwick said...

I like the spirit of some of the rules, but I'm not sure if they will actually speed things up.

Also, with 4E coming out shortly I'd like to see what changes are there before we adopt other variant rules.