The Backpack is a Heward's handy haversack, loaded with items
Center Pocket:
80 arrows
80 bolts
50 ft of silk rope
4 bedrolls
4 waterskins
3 days of trail rations for 4 breathers
Right Pocket:
1 everbright lantern
1 flint and steel
1 healer's kit
5 torches
3 sacks
Left Pocket
Letter from Lady Elaydren
3 vials of holy water
3 potions of cure light wounds
A tiny rod of blue metal, three inches in length, with a sapphire embedded at one end
1 pouch containing 150pp
1 casket containing 500gp
A letter of credit for House Lyrandar to cover passage to Rhukaan Draal.
Also the +1 Longsword. Did you say it was 75 gp per identify? That would make it 3x75=225 gold for the sword and 2 wands.
Also... noting that there is some Holy Water in there... do we think that they were planning to fight undead in the mission?
When I inspected the blue staff with the sapphire, did that appear as magical?
Jay: Correct about the longsword and the cost to identify. You have to decide if they thought they'd fight undead.
Skallawag: The blue staff with the sapphire doesn't have a magical aura. I will allow you to cast identify on it if you purchase a 100gp pearl. (Available in Sharn easily) You would have to wait too long for Crucible to regain her energies to identify it for you.
I think it is worth the expense.
I purchase the components and identify it
You cast the identify infusion and determine that the item is a type of keycharm used by House Cannith to open locks armed with arcane lock. It will only work in the specific type lock it was designed for.
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