Monday, April 21, 2008



Genderless Warforged Artificer 1
Chaotic Neutral
Representing Cary

Strength 8 (-1) Size: Medium
Dexterity 14 (+2) Height: 6' 7"
Constitution 10 (+0) Weight: 300 lb
Intelligence 15 (+2) Skin: Silvery
Wisdom 8 (-1) Eyes:
Charisma 12 (+1) Hair: None

Total Hit Points: 6

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [dexterity] +2 [armor plating]

Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 12

Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +0 = 0 [base]
Reflex save: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +1 = 2 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): -1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): -1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [strength]

Light load: 26 lb. or less
Medium load: 27-53 lb.
Heavy load: 54-80 lb.
Lift over head: 80 lb.
Lift off ground: 160 lb.
Push or drag: 400 lb.

Region of Origin: Mournland

Languages: Abyssal Common Infernal

Point Blank Shot
Scribe Scroll [free to artificer]

Action Points: 5 (this level)

Skill Name Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc. Modifier
Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 2 = +2
Bluff Cha 1 = +1
Climb Str* -1 = -1
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Craft_1 Int 6 = +2 +4
Craft_2 Int 6 = +2 +4
Craft_3 Int 4 = +2 +2
Decipher Script Int 4 = +2 +2
Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1
Disguise Cha 1 = +1
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Info Cha 1 = +1
Heal Wis -1 = -1
Hide Dex* 2 = +2
Intimidate Cha 1 = +1
Jump Str* -1 = -1
Knowledge (arcana) Int 6 = +2 +4
Listen Wis -1 = -1
Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2
Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 2 = +2
Sense Motive Wis -1 = -1
Spellcraft Int 6 = +2 +4
Spot Wis -1 = -1
Survival Wis -1 = -1
Swim Str** -1 = -1
Use Magic Device Cha 5 = +1 +4
Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor

First-level Artificer infusions: 3 (2+1) per day

+2 constitution, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma (already included)
Composite plating makes armor unusable, 5% arcane spell failure
Cannot heal damage naturally
Does not eat, sleep, breathe
25% chance to avoid criticals and sneaks
-1 to -9 hp, inert but not progressing to death
Immune to poison, sleep, energy drain, disease, nausea, paralysis, fatigue, exhaustion
Slam for 1d4 bludgeoning

New class per Eberron campaign setting
Artificers are entitled to bonus feats every 4 levels, included here.
See the campaign sourcebook for more on artificers.

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Artificer 6

Chuk's Equipment:
0 lb
Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)

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