Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Current Timeline - April 22nd

Campaign stated on Therendor 21st, YK 998 at 11:45 when the PC's were called to Lieutenant Cutlass' office.

22nd Therendor

4 am: Living Web Spell

Afternoon:  Small Thorp of Uchilnel

23rd Therendor

5 am: Two Sentinel Marshals outside of Vathirond

8:30 am:  Ligthning Rail leaves Vathirond.  Travel time is 2 days, 3 hours

24th Therendor

2 am:   Inquistive child

25th Therendor

Evening: Drunk passengers

26th Therendor

9 am: Cut purse

12 noon:  Arrive in Sharn

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