Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Direction
Timeline - 24th June 08
- Explore Rose Quarry
- Sneak into town from the North
- Battle Glass Zombies
- Battle in the Map room
- Discover location of Whitehearth
- Negotiate with Fallon to take you to the edge of the Mournlands
- Enter Mournlands
- Defeat Skeletal wolves at battle site
- Defeat Carcass Crab at site of large engagement
- Find and enter Rose Quarry
- Tome heads off to alert other Warforged of the discovery of Whitehearth
- Leave Rose Quarry w/ Schema
- Confront Emerald Claw
Misc Errata from Tuesday 24th of June
Friday, May 30, 2008
Timeline - May 31
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Backpack&Letter

The Backpack is a Heward's handy haversack, loaded with items
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Bash - Journal Entry #2
Chuk and I arrived in Sharn around the noon-time bell. Luckily for its residents this place is known as the City of Air because I have not seen so many breathers in one place since some of the engagements of the war. It is truly a sight to behold.
As expected our travel documents were almost immediately inspected. Perhaps they should check some of the human filth aboard the train and leave us alone.
As we were unsure of the route to Dorasharn Tower, we sought directions from a beggar. Even in squander these people would rather leverage more than a fair bargain for simple information. We left him with a few coppers and proceeded to ask directions from a local warforged. I made a note to locate this brethern later so I can perhaps learn more of this place.
We arrived at Dorasharn tower in Dura, Old Keep ward a short time later. The area was rife with citizens trying to hawk useless junk. However Chuk wished to browse a moment in case his he could discern something useful amongst the trinkets. It was to no avail.
After a short search we located the sewer entrance. An incredible maze of filth and refuge. Its designers must have been genius - or insane. Either way this was our path.
If my face could show emotion it would have this day. Beyond reason we encountered two inert warforged a short way into the sewer. A quick inspection showed them to simply be inert so we proceeded to repair them on the chance they had information on this place. During this time we were suddenly attacked by one of the the denizens of this place. I think it is called a krok-o-dile. I shall have to inquire on it further later. While formidable it was no match for Chuk, myself and our newly awoken comrades Virga and Fletch. We learned from them that they worked with Sabre and had been made inert when they were abandoned by their human comrades. I think we may have to exact some recompense on the humans later.
On Virga and Fletch's recommendation we proceeded further into the sewer. Here we encountered a slimy beast that much surely have been the bane of many warforged. The creature's mere touch dissolved metal and wood. I myself was affected when I slammed it. Luckily we learned that crushing it with rocks was an effective counter to its touch.
A short while later - with Virga scouting ahead - we located the remains of a battle and yet another inert warforged. Lo and behold it was none other than Sabre. We searched a nearby ruin and found the remains of three iron defenders. Perhaps Chuk's skills can be put to use to create a 4-legged companion.
Sabre has indicated that we must search for some schema. It seems our short adventure is about to stretch beyonds its humble beginnings.
The Red Hammer
Excerpt from: Sharn. City of Towers.
Blackbones (in the Cogs level, under Tavick's Landing)
District Type: Industry district
Buildings: Temple (Onatar), poor lodging (2),
poor food (7), poor trades (60), poor services (30)
First Impression: Heat and the smell of smoke fills
the air. The long passages are dimly lit and coated
with soot, and the inhabitants are dour folk focused
on their work.
Social Class: Lower class
Blackbones is located under Tavick’s Landing, and
stretched west toward the center of Sharn. In most
respects it is similar to Ashblack; it is slightly newer,
and the corridors are a little wider and better lit. Like
Ashblack, there are a considerable number of warforged
laborers in this district, and a few businesses
have sprung up around these constructs.
The Pool of Onatar’s Tears: When the engineers
were building Blackbones, they discovered a bizarre
phenomenon—a small pool of cool, crystal-clear water
surrounded by a larger pool of blazing lava. In addition
to surviving the heat, the water actually seemed to
be replenished by an unseen source. Curious, a dwarf
priest ordered a forge set up near the pool. A skilled
smith, he found that if he used the heat of the lava and
then tempered his work in the cool water, his work
was far better than what he was used to producing. He
declared the site to be the work of the sovereign lord
Onatar. Today, smiths and metalworkers from across
Khorvaire come to Sharn to be blessed at the pool. A
temple has been built around the pool, and services
to Onatar are held within. Those who seek a special
blessing are allowed to dip their hands into the water,
which is said to enhance their own talents.
The powers of the pool may be largely legendary,
but they are not completely false. Anyone who
tempers a metal item using water from the pool
receives a +2 bonus on the associated craft check,
though the priest rarely allows anyone to take water
from the pool. And if a priest or adept casts a spell
from the Artifice domain within 10 feet of the pool,
his effective caster level is increased by 2.
The current caretaker of the pool is actually a
warforged—one of the few warforged priests on Khorvaire.
Smith served in the Last War; along the way he
developed a deep faith in Onatar, who he believes
guided humanity to create the warforged race. Smith
believes that the god has a plan for the warforged,
and he has done his best to get other members of the
warforged community to embrace his vision. Smith
is deeply opposed the violent ideology of the Lord of
Blades, and firmlybelievesthatthewarforgedandthe
creatures of flesh are meant to live together.
The Red Hammer: This unusual business is an
inn—for warforged. Warforged do not need to eat,
drink, or sleep, but they can still hunger for camaraderie.
The Red Hammer is a place for warforged to
gather, make new friends, and exchange stories. The
Hammer is owned by two warforged, Blue and Crucible. The official
story is that Blue bought the Hammer with a cache
of gold he found during the Last War. Blue and Crucible
are on good terms with Smith, and both support his
views as opposed to those of the Lord of Blades.
In addition to companionship, the Hammer is a
source for repairs and cosmetic improvement for warforged;
costs are equivalent to those of a house of healing.
Warforged characters receive a +1 circumstance
bonus on any Gather Information or Knowledge
(local) checks made in the Red Hammer.
Timeline - April 29th
12 noon: Arrive in Sharn
12:10: Disembark - Travel documents checked by Sentental Marshals.
12:15: Question beggar
1:30: Arrive at Dorasharn tower in Dura, Old Keep ward, lower levels
1:40: Rat's market - Nothing of interest
1:55: Sewer encounter - two inert warforged & crocodile
2:10: Underground encounter with grey ooze
2:15: Locate Sabre: Search ruins
In the Ruins of the forge you found: MW heavy mace, MW rapier, remains of 3 iron defenders, which can be salvaged and made whole once Chuk is capable to creating a homunculus. If the parts are used, the 75g materials cost and DC 14 craft check to create the body, can be waived, however it requires the use of the good parts from all three to make one complete body.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bash - Journal Entry #1
Mournland has been my home since the war ended. Since then I have been content to serve my new Lord within the ruins of my homeland. However, the cause requires my services once again. Therefore I travel abroad once more.
21st Therendor
Commander Cutlass has asked myself and the Artificer Chuk to travel to Sharn to find and assist Sabre - assuming he still functions. It seems that the commander has laid the main burden upon Chuk as he indicated that my primary responsibility is to ensure that Chuk is protected. While I wonder what special skills Chuk may possess in this matter, I do not question. I serve to maintain the order required to perpetuate peace. Without that we shall surely return to the chaos and destruction of the war. He also requested that we avoid hurting any Brelish folk if we could. They were our closest sympathizers.
We set from camp and made West to the lightning rail. Our intention was to follow it all the way to Vathirond where we were to obtain our travel papers, purchase passage to Sharn, and search for Sabre. However travel is rarely without incident.
22nd Therendor
Just before dawn we encountered one of the many living spells that plague this land. If there is anything that embodies chaos and disorder it is surely these spawns of the Mournland. Order must be returned to the land. There was no option but to slay the abomination. As I was unable to discern the specific nature of the creature I went for the same approach that served so well during the War - smash it with my heavy mace. I was quickly schooled in that rash choice. My attacks were ineffective and it was only Chuk's quick thinking and magic that managed to free me from its web-like grasp. It seems Cutlass' faith in the artificer is well-placed.
We travelled on.
Late in the afternoon we arrived in a small village. The humans here were well-armed and unfriendly. Luckily we convinced them that we meant no harm and were simply attempting to pass through on our way to Vathirond. The prejudice so often accompanying these people was quickly evident when we were asked to walk around the town. Not wanting to initiate trouble we complied without incident.
23rd Therendor
We were greeted at the gates of Vathirond at dawn. It was not a friendly greeting. It seems the people of the village somehow singled ahead that we were coming. The guards wanted to know our business and to see our travel papers. While inconvenient, I can appreciate the desire of the guards to keep out troublemakers. Once again Chuk's talked our way to safety. The guards agreed to follow us to our locker in order to retrieve our travel papers. We made no mention of what else we saught in the locker. Upon inspection we were set free upon our. However I seemed to get a hint of disappointment that the guards earned no money from us. Perhaps they are not paid well these days.
We purchased tickets to Sharn and a few small spell scrolls for Chuk and made our way to the train for the 8:30 departure.
24th Therendor
The train was crowded. Even so, the passengers avoided us as best they could. Intriguing that they trust strangers of their own kind more readily than two warforged. Do they not realize that most of the violence encurred upon their loved ones was at the hands of other humans?
There was one exception.
25th Therendor
Around 2am, a small female approached us while the rest of the car's occupants slept. At first I mistook her for a gnome. However she was simply a young human girl of age. She may have seen 3-5 years. Never have I met such a thirst for knowledge! Even that halfling Thraven we lost in Thrane was no match for the sheer desire this one had to know of us.
It seems Annie - as she was named - was on her way to Wroat with her mother in order to visit her grandmother. She wished to know all about us. Who we were. Where we were headed. Why this? Why that? Why? Why? Why! She also asked for some food. Unfortunately I had none to share as I do not require it. After several minutes her mother awoke and fearfully removed Annie from our presence. I actually think I could learn to like that child.
The rest of the daylight hours passed without incident. It was when the sun went down that things got turbulent once again.
I have seen it many times. Alchohol brings courage... and foolishness. Three drunk leftovers from the War decided to vent their frustration upon Chuk and I. No amount of talking could dissuade them. No knowing who they were we decided to dispatch them by knocking them out. They got the best of Chuk but luckily I was able to subdue 2 of them before Annie retrieved the guards. With her assistance we convinced the guards that we did not start the altercation. They apologized and provided us with a potion to revive Chuk to consciousness. What I don't understand is why the drunkard were moved up to higher class seat while we remained in steerage. Blind mistrust and prejudice is my guess.
When the train arrived at the station where Annie was disembarking I quietly slipped her 2 silver. It was a small thanks for her assitance. Hopefully one human more human will grow up without fear of us.
26th Therendor
There was to be one more "incident" before we arrived at our destination.
While contemplating the outcome of the drunken brawl I took notice of a cutpurse removing the bag of a fellow passenger who was walking done the aisle. Even with all the onlooking, jeering, and downright rude behaviour I could not let this pass. Society requires rules. The rules must be applied evenly and fairly or anarchy we quickly develop. The cutpurse needed to be confronted. No one else had noticed the theft so it fell upon me to do it.
Of course the fool denied his actions. He even pulled a knife on me. I simply stepped back and asked the surrounding people if this person should be allowed to continue on his way and perhaps victimize them. I was astounded that not a single person stepped up. Scared sheep they are. I did notice however that the victim moved off to another car to get the guards so I simply indicated that if no one else here seemed to care then I would not interfere. It was a ruse of course. I was ready to pounce should the pickpocket seek to escape. Force was not required however. The guards arrived, searched the cutpurse and found the loot. The goods were returned and the thief removed. The only thanks I received was from the victim.
That was good enough for me.
The train has arrived in Sharn and we are ready to begin searching for our warforged brother.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Chuk's Journal - 26th Therendor
Humans are an interesting species. Their offspring seem to be very open minded about us Warforged and do not show much fear. The adults on the other hand seem to be very fearful or uneasy. I don't really know what to make of these humans yet and I would rather stay away from the drunk ones from this point forward.
Bash is also a very interesting character. We both witnessed an altercation between two humans, and Bash intervened to assist the one human who had his purse stolen. Personally, I would have not said anything as it had nothing to do with me. Who really cares what these humans do to each other? But as long as I have known Bash, he has always been one to stick to follow the rules and do what is right.
Soon we will reach Sharn. I look forwards to what magical energies this city holds for us.
Online Game - First thoughts
- Getting the campaign maps to show up on Cary's server.
- Token's for NPCs
- Maps needed for visuals even in the absence of an encounter
- Connection issues for Maptool and Teamspeak
Current Timeline - April 22nd
Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Male Personality Warforged Fighter 1
Lawful Neutral
Representing Jay
Total Hit Points: 15
Speed: 20 feet [adamantine]
Armor Class: 19 = 10 +1 [dexterity] +8 [adamantine plating]
- Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 18
Initiative modifier: | +4 | = +1 [dexterity] +3 [warforged fighter option] |
Fortitude save: | +5 | = 2 [base] +3 [constitution] |
Reflex save: | +1 | = 0 [base] +1 [dexterity] |
Will save: | -1 | = 0 [base] -1 [wisdom] |
Attack (handheld): | +3 | = 1 [base] +2 [strength] |
Attack (unarmed): | +3 | = 1 [base] +2 [strength] |
Attack (missile): | +2 | = 1 [base] +1 [dexterity] |
Grapple check: | +3 | = 1 [base] +2 [strength] |
Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: | 66 lb. or less 67-133 lb. 134-200 lb. 200 lb. 400 lb. 1000 lb. |
Region of Origin: Mournland
Languages: | Common Dwarven |
Heavy Mace [1d8, crit x2, 8 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning]
Longbow [1d8, crit x3, range inc. 100 ft, 3 lb, piercing]
Adamantine Body |
Action Points: 5 (this level)
| Ability | Modifier | Modifier | | Modifier |
Appraise | Int | 1 = | | ||
Balance | Dex* | 1 = | | ||
Bluff | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Climb | Str* | 4 = | | +2 | |
Concentration | Con | 3 = | | ||
Craft_1 | Int | 5 = | | +4 | |
Craft_2 | Int | 1 = | | ||
Craft_3 | Int | 1 = | | ||
Diplomacy | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Disguise | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Escape Artist | Dex* | 1 = | | ||
Forgery | Int | 1 = | | ||
Gather Information | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Heal | Wis | -1 = | | ||
Hide | Dex* | 1 = | | ||
Intimidate | Cha | 2 = | | +4 | |
Jump | Str* | -2 = | | +2 | -6 [speed 20] |
Listen | Wis | -1 = | | ||
Move Silently | Dex* | 1 = | | ||
Perform_1 | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Perform_2 | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Perform_3 | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Perform_4 | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Perform_5 | Cha | -2 = | | ||
Ride | Dex | 1 = | | ||
Search | Int | 1 = | | ||
Sense Motive | Wis | -1 = | | ||
Spot | Wis | -1 = | | ||
Survival | Wis | -1 = | | ||
Swim | Str** | 2 = | | ||
Use Rope | Dex | 1 = | |
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Warforged fighter racial substitution levels give d12 hit dice (included), plus intimidate as a class skill.
Warforged fighter racial substitution level 1 gives +3 on initiative (included) and +3 on saves vs fear. The cost is the normal fighter's first-level bonus feat.
- +2 constitution, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma (already included)
- Composite plating makes armor unusable, 5% arcane spell failure
- Cannot heal damage naturally
- Does not eat, sleep, breathe
- 25% chance to avoid criticals and sneaks
- -1 to -9 hp, inert but not progressing to death
- Immune to poison, sleep, energy drain, disease, nausea, paralysis, fatigue, exhaustion
- Slam for 1d4 bludgeoning
- Adamantine body gives -5 armor penalty on certain skill checks.
- Bonus Feats (already included)
Class | HP rolled | ||
Level 1: | Fighter | 12 |
![]() | ![]() |
11 lb 3 lb 2 lb 2 lb 4 lb 5 lb 1 lb 1 lb _____ 29 lb | Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Arrows (quiver of 20) x1 Backpack Caltrops Flint and steel Grappling hook Rope (50', silk) x1 Sacks x1 Signal whistle Whetstone Total |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday April 22nd
Friday, April 11, 2008
Warforged Undead?
Here’s one for the Blog. If I didn’t know better I’d swear Curtis wrote this question himself. Found this in the D&D FAQ on the Wizards of the Coast website.
Can a warforged be animated as or transformed into an undead?
A warforged isn’t immune to necromancy effects, so it can be animated as or transformed into an undead, as long as the effect, template, or monster description doesn’t otherwise bar it. For example, only humanoids and monstrous humanoids can become vampire spawn (according to the vampire’s create spawn special attack), so a warforged couldn’t become a vampire spawn. Another example: The zombie template states that it “can be added to any corporeal creature… that has a skeletal system.” (MM 265) A warforged is certainly a corporeal creature, but it doesn’t seem like a warforged has a skeletal system, so it couldn’t be animated as a zombie.
Derek J Myers
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday April 15th
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Online Campaign?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Campaign on hold
Good afternoon, Curtis
There’s been some talk among the group regarding your proposal to run a Warforge game. I think we’re all very interested in the concept and I think we’re all starting to come up with interesting character concepts. However, I think the bigger question we need to address before we put any more time and effort into this game is whether or not now is the best time to start it?
The biggest hurdle we all see is your ability to play, in person, on a consistent basis. I understand that the drive from Orangeville to my place is an hour plus on a good day. And we know that you have responsibilities to Shopper’s Drug Mart and most importantly to Katy and Gus. We’re concerned that if you want to be the DM we need a firm commitment from you that you will be there in person more than 50% of the time. We’re thinking 3 out of 4 weeks. If you don’t think that his is realistic then perhaps we should put this idea on hold.
Before you introduced your Warforge campaign idea the rest of the group seemed very keen to go back to the game I was running before the Ravenloft module. I deliberately left a number of major plot points hanging and unresolved so that returning to the game would be seen as exciting and not just stop-gap while we wait for 4th edition. I know that you weren’t as involved in my game as the rest of the group and I imagine that this presents you with some reservation about us going back to it. I’m happy to work with you to either flesh out the character you played (Jackson the pirate, I believe), or we can introduce a brand new character. I’m hoping to run my game for about 4-6 months. Depending on what the party does, I can leave it as a cliff hanger or wrap it up at that time. But this should move us far enough ahead that 4th edition will be out and we’ve had enough time to review the new rules.
Jay has a large campaign (set in Eberron) that he’s itching to run. He has already said that he won’t begin the campaign until the 4th edition is out. And I assume he’ll need a little bit of time to create monsters and NPCs and get a good feeling for the new rules.
If we opt to play my game for a few months, and then move on to Jay’s campaign, it could be a year or more before we’re ready to start something brand new (like the Warforrge game). Keep in mind babies are on the way at the end of the summer so that will no doubt throw a wrench into everyone’s gaming plans.
So there you have it. Let me know what you think. I’ve copied Neil on this email. He and I have been discussing the above without involving the rest of the group too much. We wanted to get your impressions before we got everybody involved in the discussion. Let us know what you think.
Later bud. Have fun in Florida and wish my best to Katy and Gus.
Derek J Myers